Working Papers:
Personal Income Taxes and Small Business Lending (with Lars Norden, available at SSRN)
Labor Turnover and Bank Risk (with Lars Norden and Bernardus Van Doornik, available at the Working Paper Series of the Central Bank of Brazil and SSRN soon)
Journal Articles:
[3] Behr, P., Wang, W., and Adasi Manu, S., 2023. Bank’s Balance Sheet Management as a Bargaining Tool: Evidence from Brazilian Labor Strikes. Emerging Markets Review. Forthcoming. [Elsevier] [Data Available Upon Request]
[2] Norden, L., Mesquita, D., and Wang, W., 2021. COVID-19, Policy Interventions and Credit: The Brazilian Experience. Journal of Financial Intermediation 48, 100933. [Elsevier] [Data Available Upon Request]
[1] Behr, P., and Wang, W., 2020. The (un)intended Effects of Government Bailouts: the Impact of TARP on the Interbank Market and Bank Risk-taking. Journal of Banking & Finance 116 (C), 105820. [Elsevier] [Data Available Upon Request]
Funding and Grants:
2022-2023 School Research Grants (SRGs) from Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration, Hong Kong Metropolitan University as the Principal Investigator (PI)
Project: “A Comparison between Stochastic Volatility Skewness and Constant Volatility Skewness: a Preliminary Study for the Preparation of a FDS Grant Application” with Prof. FUNG Joseph K.W. and Prof. CAO Jay Jie
Grant amount: HK$38,400.00
2017-2022 Research Grant, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001, CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel), Ministry of Education of Brazil, Brazil
Conference and Seminar Presentations:
Research Seminar at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), December 2022. “Labor turnover and bank risk”. (scheduled, presented by co-author)
The CEMLA / Dallas Fed Financial Stability Workshop at Mexico City, December 2022. “Labor turnover and bank risk”. (scheduled, presented by co-author)
The 2022 Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting in Atlanta, October 2022. “Labor turnover and bank risk”. (scheduled, presented by co-author)
The 2022 Southern Finance Association (SFA) Annual Meeting, October 2022. “Labor turnover and bank risk”. (scheduled, presented by co-author)
Seminar of the Research Department (Depep) at the Central Bank of Brazil (BCB), Brasília-DF, Brazil, August 2022. “Labor turnover and bank risk”.
The XXII Brazilian Finance Conference (EBFin), Vitória ES, Brazil, July 2022. “Labor turnover and bank risk” & “Personal Income Taxes and Small Business Lending”.
Research Seminar at SKEMA Business School in Sophia-Antipolis and University of Hamburg in Germany, June 2022. “Labor turnover and bank risk”. (presented by co-author)
The 2022 American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meeting - Poster Session, Boston, MA USA, January 2022. “COVID-19, Policy Interventions and Credit: The Brazilian Experience”.
The XXI Brazilian Finance Conference (EBFin, Virtual), Brazil, July 2021. “COVID-19, Policy Interventions and Credit: The Brazilian Experience”.
Brown Bag Seminar, FGV EBAPE, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2021. “Personal Income Taxes and Small Business Lending”.
Graduate Seminar, FGV EBAPE, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2020. “Banks’ Balance Sheet Management as a Bargaining Tool: Evidence from Union Strikes”.
The First Conference on Financial Stability and Sustainability organized by the Universidad del Pacífico in Lima of Peru, 2019. “The (un)intended Effects of Government Bailouts: the Impact of TARP on the Interbank Market and Bank Risk-taking”. (presented by co-author)
Research Seminar in University of Ulm, Germany, 2019. “The (un)desired Effects of Government Bailouts: the Impact of TARP on the Interbank Market and Bank Risk-taking”. (presented by co-author)
4th Conference on Banking Development, Stability and Sustainability, November 16, 2018 in Santiago, Chile. “The (un)desired Effects of Government Bailouts: the Impact of TARP on the Interbank Market and Bank Risk-taking”. (presented by co-author)
Brown Bag Seminar, FGV EBAPE, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Apr 2018. “Do bailouts make banks “too interconnected to fail”?: the effects of TARP on the interbank market and bank risk-taking”.